I am proof that life just sidetracks you sometimes. You may have noticed I haven’t written in this blog for a while. But good news: I’M BACK! With new adventures, crafty projects, and wisdom to ponder and share.

Do you ever get that inner sense when you really need to move things forward in your life? I’ve been thinking about writing new content for a while now but trying to carve out a block of time has been challenging. What happened over the last few years? Oh, yes. Covid hit. My job got demanding. My husband and I were two of those people that fit in the “essential worker” category and continued to go into work every day throughout covid. No staying home and cleaning out closets for us. There was the exhaustion of navigating the pandemic. Then figuring out how to navigate after the pandemic. When I am not working at my job, I oversee an all-volunteer animal rescue organization that also runs a thrift shop. And I serve on a charter school board. Trying to get those organizations through the thick of the pandemic and back into a space of thriving also took a lot of energy.
And then it happened. This blog that was quietly just hanging out online went down. I forgot to update the expiration date of my credit card, so the hosting company pulled it when the renewal didn’t go through. AND I was so busy, I wasn’t paying attention. I noticed almost a month later. So, don’t do what I did! The hosting company had fun trying to restore my site- at a nice financial cost and time on the phone on my part- but they got it! In those painful hours on the phone, I had to decide if I wanted to just let it all go- including my published content- or keep trying until we got it back up on the web. I opted to bring it back online and promised myself that I would commit to working on my blog again.
Back to that inner sense part. Even when I was super busy with work, slogging along during the pandemic, participating in lengthy school board meetings via Zoom, and rebuilding momentum at our rescue and thrift shop, part of me missed sharing projects and ideas with you. I am once again shifting around my priorities and trying to listen to my inner self. Writing and creating are part of who I am, and I’ve realized for my well-being and balance, I need to slow down enough to do these things now and again.
So, yay! Here I am again! Let’s do this! Thanks for joining in the journey!
Learn more about Karen and the Bravely Bohemian blog here.